Elmina Patra
Elmina Patra graduated from Law School of Athens, is a Lawyer of the Court of Appeal, and has a post-graduate diploma in International Law and Diplomatic Studies from Panteos University of Athens.
She has great experience in the sectors of Environmental law, Sustainable and Renewable Energy Sources legislation, as well as execution of Licensing Due Diligence on Renewable Energy Projects.
In addition to the aforementioned, she has participated to the drawing up of the new Regulation of Arbitration of the national Regulatory Administrator of Energy (RAE), has acted as external Legal Consultant of the Chairman of RAE , and was member of the competent committee on behalf of RAE for the drawing up of the Law 4001/2011 (Third Package of Energy ).
She specializes also in Civil Law, Penal Law, Competition Law, Hellenic Central Market Procedures, Arbitration Procedures and Real Estate, and has also profound Litigation experience.